4 Digital Marketing Trends to Execute in 2022 to Ramp up Real Estate Sales

Digital marketing has created a major impact on the sales growth of the real estate business in the digital age. A statistic report states that 97% of home buyers reach realtors through internet searches. It is considering that advanced technology and the latest innovations in automation, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and virtual reality is going to influence more in digital marketing 2022 to reach the target customers widely for real estate marketing.

New advanced technologies have made the execution of digital marketing strategies easier for every industry including real estate. The 4 new digital marketing trends are easy to implement and should leverage in 2022 to increase real estate business growth.

1. Text Messaging and Chatbot Marketing:

Though AI and VR technology evolving in the digital world, text messaging is emerging back in its way to achieving effective customer marketing. It is evident that realtors can bring a lead convenience to the conversion through text messaging. There are different WordPress plugins that enable website users to send text messages immediately from the business website itself.

AI Chatbot is a new form of text messaging marketing that is in demand in 2022 marketing platforms. Facebook Messenger is the most effective chatbot tool used widely in 2022 providing CTR up to 25%. There are many other chatbots tools available in the market that can be easily implemented on real estate business websites. Chatbots help visitors to connect with real estate business owners conveniently without sharing their phone numbers.

2. PPC Bidding Automation:

Bidding automation is going to be the most used PPC advertising strategy in 2022. Manual bidding is getting outdated while automation bid benefits the campaign more providing a high conversion rate. An upgraded version of Google Ads supports ad campaign managers to get real-time keywords recommendations for real estate campaigns, the best bidding strategies, and ways to improve to quality of Ads. This helps to achieve a better conversion rate and run more specific targeted paid ad promotions.

3. Featured Snippets for Organic Traffic:

Google provides feasible ways for people to get information for their queries online. Currently, they display Featured Snippets in the form of lists, tables, or text boxes containing information for users’ search queries. This format of organic results of websites benefits brand exposure for any real estate business where realtors can reach their customers by ranking in the zeroth position of search engine pages. Following the best SEO practices of providing the most relevant content on the website for users’ popular search queries and implementing proper schema mark up to those pages brings featured snippet position potentially.

4. Video Marketing:

Video is considered to be the most prominent marketing tool for real estate business always and that’s even going to sustain in 2022. There are many new social media channels evolving in the market focusing on video as their performance resource. This indicates leveraging video marketing is the best marketing strategy for real estate businesses where they can reach potential customers directly through live videos. Even Google Maps and Google My Business with advanced AI technologies helps to target mobile users on location near to business by showing Ads based on geofencing and geo-targeted locations.

The above-mentioned advanced AI-backed Digital Marketing tools and trends will definitely help real estate businesses to create focused promotional campaigns online. Achieve a better conversion rate by following the above effective real estate digital marketing strategies in 2022. Digital Atrium the most professional and experienced real estate digital marketing company helps to implement all these latest digital marketing strategies to increase sales growth abundantly. Reach us @info@digitalatrium.in or leave us your requirements on enquiry form.